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Episode #30: What works and doesn’t work with workplace wellness initiatives?

Box-ticking events and activities that intend to address psychological distress, anxiety, depression and other related ailments for working professionals ultimately lack substance and impact. One cannot, according to one professional, employ a “one size fits all” approach when looking after staff needs. 

In this episode of The Wellness Daily Show, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks to TAL Australia head of mental health Glenn Baird about what constitutes an effective strategy to combat mental health issues in the workplace, what professional services industries or trades are doing well, and how leaders can best facilitate a collegiate, hospitable environment. 


Plus, in case you missed them, check out our most recent episodes: 

Episode #29: Why you need infrared sauna in your life
• Episode #28: What does living well look like for you?
Episode #27: ‘This can’t be my life forever. I need help’

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