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Episode #27: ‘This can’t be my life forever. I need help’

For much of her teenage life and early adulthood, Sophia Hatzis was plagued by anorexia nervosa, which led to anxiety and depression. Years on, she is thriving as a digital content producer, rugby player and advice blogger for young girls.

On this episode of The Wellness Daily Show, Jerome Doraisamy speaks with Ms Hatzis about her journey through ill health, what it has taught her about societal norms, what got her through, and how writing, hitting the gym and playing rugby have been immeasurably cathartic for her.


Plus, in case you missed them, check out our most recent episodes: 

Episode #26: For start-ups, work-life balance doesn’t exist
• Episode #25: Michael Klim on swimming, skin care and holistic wellness

• Episode #24: All things gut health!

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