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Start 2020 in a super way!

Too many of us write New Year’s resolutions that we are either unable or unwilling to keep. Here, Jacob Galea outlines how best you can ensure that 2020 is your best year yet.

Every year, at the same time, we sit down and write down a list of goals that we want to achieve for the new year. But by the second week in, it is clear that we have no commitment to following through on these, and we resort to being the same version of who we have been for the last few years.

So, if you want to start 2020 in a super way, I have listed five ways below to ensure you have some expert advice to have your best year yet:

Design a character mood/story board

The first thing I do is design a character mood board, this is where I take time to design the exact character I want to become for the year ahead. On this mood board, I include the following: the brand I want to become, the way my days will look, how healthy and fit I want to be, the dress and look for my character, my investment strategies, and all the things my character wants to be doing and have for the year ahead.

Most people think this type of exercise is only done with big companies and brands, but why not do a story/mood board for your year ahead like a mini business plan so you know exactly where you are going and what you are aiming for.

Invest in a mentor

It is imperative that you have someone in your life who is holding you accountable for the things you want to achieve. This person becomes the sound board and questioner for all the excuses you would normally come up with, their role is to ensure that you are tracking perfectly in alignment with all your targets.

It is not just sporting legends or fitness addicts who have mentors/coaches these days, the general public have realised the power of this process and are quickly adapting it into their life so they can achieve all the major goals for the year ahead.

Do your yearly astrology chart

It is said, “As above, so below”. The ancient wisdoms were onto something here by studying the power of astrology. One thing I get all my clients to do at the beginning of any new year is take time to see an astrologist and get a snippet into the planetary movement ahead for their year so they can have a clear understanding on what movements in what months they need to be aware of and be ready to adapt to.

Set up regular breaks/holidays in advance

Why do people wait until they are burnt out before they book a holiday? Makes no sense really! In my coaching practice, I advise all my clients to plan for the year of breaks in advance. I like to see them take one week of every quarter, so four times a year they are focusing on recharging, wellness, timeout and spending time with the family.

These “Power Breaks” are essential to performing at your best. Once they are locked in, you then become excited and even count down to each break, making your year not only more exciting but also very organised.

Schedule regular self-care moments

One thing that is a must is self-care. Too many of us are working like animals at present with no timeout to recharge and service our bodies. I advise my clients that it is super important to lock in that fortnightly massage, game of golf, day spa appointment, meditation session or even acupuncture to be on a regular self-care timetable so you do not enter burnout mode. The more you do this, the better you will perform and feel, alleviating unwanted stress and worry.

Jacob Galea is a success and mind coach and author of “Birth of the Super You”.

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