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Are you ignoring your inner instinct?

Your instinct is one of five super powers that you have to help you grow, evolve and survive. Ignore it at your peril.

We live in an age of constant distraction where mindfulness of our inner instinct is failing us. This can make us feel lost, uncertain and confused. Out of this comes indecision, which is the one of the most debilitating afflictions. We can become rudderless with no instinct at all.

Have you ever walked into a restaurant or shop and felt uncomfortable or uneasy? Did you shake aside that inner instinct as nonsense and stay, or did you listen to it and leave? If you stayed, you were probably subjected to a sensory discomfort and a feeling of being out of place. That's because every positive has a negative, so like positive and negative charges in electricity, people and places also emit either positive (empowering) or negative (discomforting) energy.

As we are energy, we can sense it straight away but often ignore this inner instinct because we cannot explain why we are feeling that way. However, the problem with this is that if the red flags are ignored at the beginning, they can turn into problems later on. For example, if you felt uneasy when entering a shop and stayed, you may have discovered that the sales representative was ripping you off. So you've just spent your energy on a negative experience. Or, have you ever walked into a restaurant and felt a negative vibe, ignored it, and felt sick afterwards? Maybe your meal was over-salted, over cooked or prepared by someone who cares more for money than serving good food. This may sound silly, but I never eat in a restaurant where I sense that the focus is solely on your 'share of wallet' and getting you in and out quickly. When it comes to food, I like to eat at places that focus on passion before profit.

Our inner instinct also has a way of pointing us in the right direction with relationships, friendships and work. People radiate an aura of energy and we can usually instinctively sense if this aura is good, kind and empowering or toxic, negative and draining. We can either listen to this instinct or ignore it.

I would love to hear your personal experiences on this topic. Have you ever ignored your inner instinct? What was the result? Alternatively, did you ever listen to your instinct? Where did that choice lead? Please feel free to email me [email protected]. This is a topic we will be covering at Upgrade Your Life 2019, along with multi-sensory accelerated learning.

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