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The 8 principles for achieving success

As a coach, I am certain that the people who are most successful in life are those who have absolute clarity on what success will look like, adapt their plan as they progress and still enjoy where they are in their life right now.  

You might be considering starting a new business or working up to a promotion. There could be a big adventure you want to plan or maybe it's time to go back and do some study. Successful people don't wait for the right time or for next Monday.

So how do you bring your dreams, plans and changes to life? 

1. Play and plan big

This is your one shot to live an amazing adventure. Be ambitious in your dreams. Consider what you want to be able to say about this life when you are 80 years old and sitting on the veranda reflecting on the experiences you've had.  Successful people aren't necessarily the ones who are the smartest or best educated; they are the ones who are brave enough to own what they want.  What are you really capable of? 

2. Make yourself your most import project

Investing in you is the most important investment you will ever make. Successful people think strategically about how they are living and where they are heading. They set deadlines and consult experts who will support their success. They often create a vision board, identify blockers and review their progress. How can you make you, and your future, a priority? 

3. Do what other people aren't prepared to do

The world is full of people who start stuff, but never follow through. Successful people do what's required. They keep going even when it's hard and they don't want to. Don't wait and don't give in. When your motivation has passed, it will be your commitment that will keep you going.  Are you prepared to do what's required? 

4. Find your tribe

Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed, who will challenge you to be more and who understand your true potential. Your tribe extends beyond friends and family. They are people who will challenge you and celebrate you. Identify those in your world who you trust and will tell you the truth. No energy vampires allowed! Who do you know? 

5. Get uncomfortable

It is true, the greatest learning happens in discomfort. To know what you are really capable of, you have to test out your resilience and capabilities. You don't know what you don't know about you yet.  You are an ever-evolving complex woman with so many things to learn and that is where your potential sits. Intentionally look for new experiences and meet people out of your network. When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable?

6. Pay attention

You are constantly receiving messages from the world around you. People who care about you are telling you what they think. The voices on your shoulder (the angel and devil) are tapping into your inner thoughts and feelings. Your body is communicating to you all the time about what it needs. The environments where you live, work, exercise and rejuvenate are all talking to you. What is working in your life and what isn't?

7. Honour the future version of you

Imagine you in two years. How much more will you know in five years? And then in 10 years you will be so wise!  When you are planning your future success, consider what your future smarter/wiser/funnier/more experienced version of you would do. The best way to predict your future is to live it now. What advice does your future self have for you? 

8. Be resolute, committed and courageous

The reality is it's unlikely anyone else can create success for you. There really is only one you on this planet. No single other person looks the same as you, has your beliefs or experiences. Put your big girl pants on and enjoy the ride of being you. As a coach, I've never met anyone who is an overnight success. Be brave on all the days you can manage it. The future version of you is one super cool woman! 

Lisa Stephenson is the founder of Who am I Projects and author of Read Me First (Major Street Publishing), a book filled with thought-provoking coaching questions, strategies for success and life's must-haves. Lisa draws on decades of experience as a global speaker, leadership consultant and success coach and has worked with some of the biggest global names, CEOs, elite athletes and entrepreneurs. For more information on Lisa go to

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