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10 tips for a digital detox

As our lives have become increasingly busier, more stressful and more overwhelming, we are beginning to see people consciously switching off, taking 'digital detox' breaks and disconnecting.

In 2018 this will result in more retreats, more mindfulness and more wellness-based businesses as people strive to find better balance in an increasingly busy world.

You don't need to travel to a remote deserted island to take a break from work.

Here are our favourite tips for taking your own mini retreat: 

1.    Have a digital-free day, turn everything, even the phones off and spend time indulging in simple pleasures like playing board games, going for a picnic or reading a book.

2.    When out for dinner with friends put all the phones in the centre of the table, the first to pick up their phone picks up the bill.

3.    Switching devices off at 6pm and not turning them back on until 7am can be a great way to take a break each day.

4.    Leave your computers switched off on weekends and public holidays.

5.    Keep phones, tablets and laptops out of your bedroom, research shows that you'll sleep better and you won't be distracted or woken by pings and flashing lights.

6.    Activate do not disturb mode or flight mode when you need a break from your phone.

7.    Turn off your notifications, the less alerts and distractions there are the more likely you'll be able to take a break from checking your phone.

8.    Delete your Facebook app, it's ok you can reinstall it later, but Facebook is one of the most common offenders when it comes to screentime so removing the problem altogether is a great way to switch off.

9.    Create boundaries and rules for your family, if you have teens and young children guidelines around social etiquette and when you can and can't use technology helps to achieve balance.

10.    Let it wait, as tempting as it can be to reply to emails instantly, most things really can wait until Monday morning, not replying to emails that are sent over the weekend sends a message that says you respect your time (and their time) and that you expect them to respect it to.

Peace Mitchell is a keynote speaker, author and co-founder of The Women's Business School, which runs a six-month accelerator program for women and has a host of free resources for women in business. Peace is passionate about supporting women to achieve success in business and has helped thousands of women achieve their dream of running a successful and profitable business.

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